O.K. got out of work early today…

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… I could really get use to this.

Sitting at Javawava plonking out this post. Sipping on iced coffee (French Vanilla-just for you, Kien.)

So, this whole blogging phenomenon is catching on like a virus in heat. Lelly, a long lost Cuz in the UK blames me for getting her hooked. Kien, a long time bud, is responding to several sites. Vertebrate, another long time bud… has also been pulled in by this undertow. Dyerama, a local bud, is experiencing squirrel anxiety. Blog on, dudes!

I really began this blog to get my writing engine going again. Haven’t written a lick (creatively) in 5 years and I was champing at the bit. (Was reminded not too long ago that “champing” is the correct word for the phrase and not “chomping”.) Trouble is after a 5 year haitus… one needs to chip off the rust and get greased up again. So, here I am blogging.

A lot of the process is in the actual physical act of writing. Whacking on a keyboard with the hope that the brain is still connected to the hand. Sort of like a musician composing on an instrument. Its important to “forget” technique while one is creating.

I am really looking forward to this Summer when I can once again “zone in” without the constraints of having to be somewhere at some certain time. There is a crazy joy that comes with the act of creating.

My friends claim that when I’m in the “write zone” that I become a half-naked, wild-eyed, giggling maniac. This is true. It may also be true that part of the reason for this antic disposition is that I’m all hopped up on Coca Cola or some other caffine inducer. No matter… when I’m in the “write zone” I am insanely happy. I have missed being “there” for far too long.