Picture Daze #2

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The story of Mum & Dad

As part of the Picture Daze project that I’ve chosen to undertake I have decided to profile my parents, Gertie & Harold.

Here is a family portrait that includes: Top Row from right to left – Harold (my Dad), Anselm (my mother’s brother), Cuthbert (my father’s older brother), Desmond (Ruth’s husband)

Bottom Row from right to left- Gertie (my Mum),Nancy (my mother’s mother), Arthur (my cousin), Betsy (my mother’s older sister) Ruth (my mother’s younger sister.) Yup. If you haven’t caught it already – two brothers married two sisters.

Dad was quite the sportsman. Here is a picture of him as the captain of the school football (soccer) team. He’s the one sitting on the far right center.

Mum played field hockey as well. Couldn’t find any pictures of her on a team but I kind of like this sporty pic of her. Pretty daring for the “age of skirts.”

I heard a story that they started “courting” during the Japanese occupation of Malaysia in World War II. (notice they courted back then… not dated.) Anyway, on one of their early “courts”, my father rode his bike over to her place. They then (on separate bicycles of course) rode to a local movie theater.
After the movie they caught dinner at a street stall. I can only guess that the date went pretty well. On their way home (at 7 PM) my Dad suggested a little detour. They rode to one of biggest roundabouts in town and parked their bikes. This roundabout was decorated with 6 foot wooden stakes that held up the recently beheaded – the work of the occupying Japanese force of the time.

They walked around looking to see if they recognized anyone. Then they rode home. Now, isn’t that a charming romantic story? My Dad really knew the moves on how to get the girl.

Dad passed away in 1971 when I was 12.

My mother never remarried. She has been my rock through the years. A dainty rock at that. She is in her 80’s now – slowing down but still has a great spirit about her.

I’ll close this Picture Daze edition with one of my favorite pics of my Mum that was taken 1n 1975 on a vacation in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Hope you enjoyed it and see you at the next edition of Picture Daze.