What’s Sarong with That?

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In her most recent post Lelly alluded to the acrobatics that those of the female persuasion perform when changing in public places, while still attempting to preserve some level of modesty. Kinda like the ” slip off the bra while keeping the shirt on” thing Jennifer Beals executed in “Flashdance.”

I remember first witnessing a similar tricky manuever as a kid and finding it disturbingly arousing. Actually, I still find it arousing… but far from disturbing. It is the absence of skin that makes it sexy.

In my experience the sarong was used as the “portable changing room.” It was a visit to a rural village on Langkawi and bathtime for the women at the local well. The men were well out of sight. I was 4 or 5 at the time and was given the “exempt card” for being in the company of bathing women. (On a tangent: why do women think we will not remember these things just because we are kids?) They took their baths in sarongs and used a second sarong to change out of the wet one and into dry clothes. I was mesmerized… and probably drooling but I was 5 and had my age as a perfect excuse. I became an instant convert to the sarong.

Since then, a woman in a sarong has always managed to get my attention. To me there is nothing sexier. Especially when worn as a wrap off the shoulders. Throw a jacket on and it instantly becomes “elegant evening wear.”

I still own several and whenever I go out of town I always make sure to pack a couple in the bag. Its the best Summer-wear I know of on a balmy night. I have often thrown “sarong parties” and have given them on occasion as gifts. Sarongs…. ah, sarongs.