It’s payday…

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… and I have all sorts of bills to settle.

Tonight I’ll be attending the Woodward Shakespeare Festival’s production of Romeo & Juliet – the timeless story of 2 horny teenagers who off themselves because their respective parental units hate each other. Ya know, I think that Bill Shakespeare guy would have a future as a writer… if he wasn’t dead already. Anyway, it’s in the park and it’s free!

I’ve been seriously tired of late. I think it’s the combo of doing 2 gigs at the same time and the change in weather.

Looking forward to going up to SF for the Fringe Festival next weekend. Apart from the addictive “bouncing from show to show marathon” aspect of the weekend… it’s just nice to get out of town for a bit. It is one of my favorite cities in the whole world. I am convinced that an invisible “goofy beast” takes over one’s being the minute you cross the bridge. One does and experiences things in SF that you wouldn’t experience anywhere else. I know that SSM is going up with me and hoping APJ will join the party.

AN OBSERVATION: The one thing that sucks about hosting a barbecue is the clean-up after. The one cool thing about hosting a barbecue – a 2 week supply of BYO Beer.

Decided not to go out to the park. The week has just sucked too much out of me. I really will be too tired to enjoy the show.Thought I’d catch up on some computer work at home instead. Perhaps later I’ll go out for a drink.