It’s Friday in the Wacky Zone!

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It’s been over a week since I posted. Haven’t even posted a new Picture Daze edition. What a loser! I’ll try to post one this weekend. Actually, it’s been a little strange not blogging.

On Monday I announced to members of the Hard Core that I am deep in the “Wacky Zone.” This is a place where I have not been in a long time… and I’ve missed it. It is the zone where most of my older friends met me and associate me with. The one where I lived “the art of the possible” everyday. The zone where creativity is just a matter of fact. Truth be told, I began blogging just so I could make my way back there again… and I think I have arrived… and am glad to be back. Evidence of this? My last 3 HNT posts and working on 2 separate plays at the same time.

The trick now is to continue to float in the “Wacky Zone” while still accomplishing all the duties that “real life” demands of me.