Half-Nekkid Thursday # 14 – Coat from Tibet

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Damn, blogger was slow tonight! Anyway, it’s time for HNT!

The temps are dropping and it’s time to pull out my favorite overcoat for the season – my Tibetan Trench. Not sure if they call it that in Tibet… I do though.

This full length wonder is made out of thick tight weave cotton. (yes, it does come in wool as well) I bought it last year from the “Tibet Shop” in San Francisco mainly because:

a.) I figured the Tibetans know a little something about keeping out the cold.
b.) I thought it was really cool!

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Oh, and the cool part… a scarf is built into the collar. So, you can wrap it around the neck… or pull it up over your head and go totally Jedi. And even cooler than cool… it only cost $55 ($109 for the wool one.) Sure, I look scary in it… but when don’t I? (Oh, I may return with an extravaganza next week.)

For more on this HNT madness visit the Emperor with half his clothes by clicking the nifty button in the sidebar.