Friday the 13th … so who is lecram?

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This post doesn’t have anything to do with the superstitions or the movie… it just happens to fall on when I’m posting this.

The “so who is lecram?” part is something that I’ve been thinking about for the last 2 weeks. No, it’s not some identity crisis that I’m going through but more of a meditation on the value of the individual.

As far back as I can remember people have gravitated to me because of what I am and what I do as opposed to who I am. Even my former wife copped to the fact that she fell in love with the “playwright” and learned to love the person later. This is not meant to be a slight against her but is being used to make my point. How guilty are we all of this?

I can understand when this standard is used in the work environment. When I am auditioning people to cast a play I am looking for talent and ability… but I do go the extra step to get a feel of the individual that I may end up working with. I have often cast someone who may have little or no experience… but is willing to work and learn over a mega talent who has attitude issues. (I continue to maintain that egoistic behavior is really an illumination of the individual’s limitations and unwillingness to learn.) Some of my peers have chided me for this but I know that my most successful productions were the ones where everyone is working as a creative team.

However, I’ve noticed that more and more people are making the choice to befriend based on “what” against “who”. Often I will run into folk in my everyday life who make no move to get to know me until they find out what I do… then they gush and fall all over themselves. (And really… what I do is not that amazing.) It’s funny in a pathetic way.

Is this “civilization” moving so fast that even in our personal lives we set up an interview process to choose our friends and lovers? It’s like the “conditional laundry list” that many people make in choosing a date or a potential life partner… and then wonder why it didn’t work out. Of course, I understand that initial attraction is based on superficial factors but have we become so jaded and unwilling to allow life to surprise us? What happened to the adventure of spontaneity? What happened to the value of the individual? How much are these decisions inflicting our own lives?

EDIT: For ALL you Potterheads out there… this site is pretty damn funny! Need some Useless Information… go here! And if you are into killing some time with neat original Flash Games.