Da Count – what was my day like?

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For a non-event it was fabulous! Really, I mean it. Let me clarify. Those of us who are born during or this close to the major holidays are used to folks forgetting our birthdays… or giving half hearted wishes. Really, can you blame them? Afterall, they are usually totally spent from the gush of the holiday season. So, I for many years have just stopped celebrating… or even attempting to. Really, it’s like pushing a truck up a hill with a wet noodle.

So, I opted for the non-event. And it works out great. There are no expectations and as a result anything that comes my way is a total bonus. That being said… I want to thank everyone who dropped by to wish me and actually put aside the time to make me feel special today. It’s nice being remembered… really.

The day was dank and rainy… weather-wise. So, my day consisted of:

  • Waking up at 4 AM (the dogs barking) and receiving the loveliest of emails to start my day off. This set off my day in a wonderful way.
  • I went back to bed at 5:30 AM. Slept through some great lucid dreams. Really, it was fun to be able to be in the “driver’s seat for those.
  • Got up at 11 ish AM and noodled around including some great surfing.
  • At 1 PM…. I cooked.
  • 2 PM… surfed a little more and discovered that Os had posted a birthday wish.
  • At 2:30… hit the sack from the inertia that set in from stuffing my face… from the results of cooking. (Pure bliss.)
  • 4:30 PM… took a shower and got ready to go out. My ride came by at 5 ish.
  • Hit the Tower District. Did ArtHop and really enjoyed walking the wet streets alone hopping from gallery to gallery. Free food, wine and coffee.
  • Went to the regular wateringhole… drinks were bought for me. A few friends turned up. No big deal was made but the company and conversation was much appreciated.
  • Got home at 10 PM… a little buzzed but satisfied with all the bonuses that the day granted me.
  • While I was home received several calls asking where I was… let’s have a drink, etc. Thanks… but my day out is done… appreciate the thought and the effort of the calls though.

Now, I sit here whacking on the keyboard. There is a quiet solace warming my being and I will head to bed with a smile. So, not making a big deal is actually a wonderful thing as the surprises and delights it brings make the day full. Expectations would only have brought diappointment. My real gift was having this day… and tomorrow presents me with yet another. May all of us have days like this for as many days that the weeks hold… that is my birthday wish for you and me.

I think that counts, don’t you?

To find out what Da Count is all about… click the flashing sign.


To lazy now… but some pics my be posted later in the morning.