Shameless & Blatant does work.

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We got an article in Fresno Famous… not written by me… plus a picture and all! There was a real reporter involved this time. He came over for rehearsals on Tuesday night. Yeah, go ahead… click the link and read it. I’ll wait. (BTW… don’t you think the pic posted has some nasty connotations? LOL!)

::toe tapping:: Done? Good.

Last night’s Suicide Lounge rehearsal went quite well. We actually started by sharing a meal together over at a Vietnamese noodle place. It’s something we hadn’t done together in a while. I sort of miss that aspect of those days when we would all go out for meals and commiserate. Just doesn’t happen that much anymore. But when it does… it’s so very special.

Then there was a beer run and back to my garage to rehearse the songs we will be doing for the preview this weekend. We ran through the songs a few times and was accompanied at instances by backup vocals from my dogs. A pleasant evening all in all.

Tonight we rehearse for Tale End. Today… I’m swamped with graphics work. Tomorrow I prep for the previews this weekend.