busted power unit

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I was setting up a new computer today and the power unit is busted. So it’s going back and I get a replacement in 2 weeks or so. Sometimes it just goes that way. Anyway, I was thinking about upgrading the present one to handle video editing… after a bit of math it was better just to get a new one dedicated to doing that. Yeah, I’m taking that on to earn some side income… and it may be time to try my hand at movies. I look at it as a business investment.

So, this gives me a little more time to clear out the unnecessaries and claim the office as my own once again. After the last 4 years of it being Rogue Central… it will be nice to have the space back. There are stacks of things that I have to weed through… but I think reclaiming space will be cathartic to say the least. At least the office will be a little bigger when that pile goes out. Who knows what treasures lurk in there?

This that and the other… bit by bit it will all get done… only to find more junk from elsewhere to hoard. All my piths are back again though.

Thats it for now. Hmmm… what’s on PBS?