my body clock is all out of whack…

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… from pulling an all-nighter. If you haven’t seen the video yet… check it out in the post below. I’ll probably add more content to this post later in the AM.

EDIT: 9:45 AM, tuesday
Oh yeah… feel free to steal the video if you are so inclined. I looked at it this morning and thought to myself… “Self, that turned out pretty good.” Sometimes looking back a day after creation I look at it and go “eh.” or “what was I thinking?” … but this one was “yeah.” And BTW… I posted on daily motion and they flagged it as “inappropriate content”… WTF? Anyway, here is the code if you want it:

It’s going to be a busy week around here. Rehearsals for both shows… more promo… general chores… but I think it will all be fun.

Perhaps more updates later.

EDIT: 1:00 PM
So, this is how much of a promo ho I am… the video has been posted HERE.