if you are unaware…

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… (or simply because they have been few and far between) Salman Karim has been posting again. He is currently on holiday in Hungary… so go over and savor his unique brand of the goulash.

It’s 5 AM and I’m slurping on a can of Java Monster… something I picked up on my evening bike ride yesterday. The review… well it’s more “energy drink” than coffee in a can. At least that is what the after taste tells me… so, I’m not so hot on it. Yes, it is true I will sometimes buy a canned or bottled coffee drink just for the convenience of it. Most turn out to be too sweet for my buds but there are times when authenticity will give way to ease and I am instantly reminded why I shouldn’t allow it.

We have a long weekend ahead. I have weakly quipped to my friends that I will be “laboring” this weekend to honor the holiday. (No… please… no “kind” laughter neccessary.)  But it does happen to be true… I will continue chipping away at the mountain.

So much for now.