I zonked out at 9 ish last night…

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… and awoke at 3 AM. Figured there was nothing else to do but write a post. It also afforded me the opportunity to catch up chatting with some friends across the pond. (NOTE TO SELF: Factor in a nap this afternoon.)


… that I was hoping to make. There was the Wicked Burlesque, Rogue Fundraiser and the Fresno Filmmakers Forum… but I’m glad I stayed home. Yes, Mum was the determining factor. But my presence at home I think has partially brought her out of her latest fog. So, it’s all good.


… on some new network programs online. Watched “CRUSOE” and frankly… I don’t think it will make it. Too bad because the production values are good and the concept pretty fun… especially the “rustic island McGuyver-ness” qualities of the protagonist . The writing however is clunky at best. I think the problem lies in the fact that it wants to be everything to everyone. Part “Pirates of the Caribbean”, part “McGuyver” part “Masterpiece Theater” with a dash of “buddy movie” in the mix. Mind you this is not impossible to achieve… but sadly fails in this case. And it doesn’t help that there is no chemistry between the title character and Friday for the “buddy” aspect to crackle like it should.

I excused the use of the flashbacks in the pilot ( I don’t expect everyone read the book like I did when I was growing up) but even in the second episode the protagonist just seems a little too angsty about missing his faraway wife, life, etc. This is especially irritating considering that he has been on the island and established for quite a while. Afterall, the treehouse and other found object gizmos he has constructed are cool… and were obviously NOT created over a weekend. (Check out the video above.) One would assume he would have come to terms with his sense of longing and learned to cope with this by now instead we are continually bombarded with these wistful, soft focused slices of memory. So the flashbacks are purely exposition but does little to move the storyline forward… which makes it all seem like gratuitous filler. So, for whatever it’s worth… that’s my take on it.


… today… we’ll see how it pans out.