… and now for a real post (maybe)

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Today and part of tomorrow I will devour news sites for election returns. Usually I watch enough of the news to be informed but I become a political junkie once every 4 years. So, from Wednesday on it’s going to be cold turkey. “Hey buddy… come on… just give me some political dirt!” Someone should really start some kind of 12 step program for us poor nerds. Heck, I may actually have to do something creative instead!


Today I installed WP for the Rogue 2009 site. If I am in a good mood I may even create a snazzy header for it. But this was my last official duty to the Rogue. Since creating and running it my finger was still in the pie as the “web guy” for the last couple of years…. now, that too ends. Bittersweet? Not really. I’m glad it exists and I hope it thrives but that now is the responsibility of others. As I’ve said to those who have asked, “It was time to kick the kid out of the house… if he/she does good… cool… I’ll be at the party. I’ve done all I can and now it’s time for it to stand on it’s own.”


There are projects waiting for my attention. The first is a new video project that I’m pretty excited about… but I can’t divulge the details just yet.

There is also Jungle Webs that I will throw more of my efforts into. I have been sidelined (with projects for others) for too long and I really need to get this going in a more assertive way.

No theatre for a while. (GASP!) I’ve been around long enough to never say never. It’s just that at the moment I’m really not feeling much like doing or creating any. Just the thought of doing any seems like a big chore… so, I think it’s best to be left aside for a while.

Apart from that you can be assured that I will some how get myself into trouble. ::smirk::

That’s it for today.

EDIT: For the other political Junkies out there…here is a live feed from MSNBC. (click the play button… good for today only.) Yeah, I know I need help. ::sigh::