I was quite the Mr. Fixit…

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… yesterday. Did some online shopping for parts. (Come back on Friday for the story on the object these parts are for) OK I’ll admit that was more of “intent to fix” move… but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Though, in the afternoon… I DID fix my lighting board in the Turtle Dove Theater. It has been laying around unusable (don’t ask… it was a sore point for a while) since March and I finally managed to steer it back to the original factory settings. (Yeah, actually reading the manual helped.) Proud of me now? Who knows what is next? Perhaps I will automate the sprinklers!

You see… when I go on my shopping adventures I will run across stuff (usually at an incredible deal) that is needed to make life easier. (OK… every so often I will make the frivolous buy… so sue me.) I will purchase it then let it sit around until I am good and ready to install it. Of late… I’ve been good and ready so things have been getting done. Not in a whirlwind-gotta-fix-it cloud… but with quiet and deliberate serenity. I quite enjoy getting it right the first time out within this zen. Experience (and the added cost of replacement… which I abhor) has taught me well. Plus I hardly ever end up with extra parts. All of this just helps bolster my claim: “I am not the fastest guy in the world… but I always deliver the goods.”


Caught the “Shangri La” episode from Michael Woods’ “In Search of Myths & Heros” the other night. Really quite a good and fascinating watch. The other episodes are good as well. OK, pretty much any documentary by Michael Woods is worth the watch… I even own “In Search of William Shakespeare“… I highly recommend it.

Anyway, (this is where my “creative superstition” kicks in) I was wondering why this sudden convergence on things Shangri La? First, re-watching “Lost Horizon” last week… now this. You can call it coincidence if you desire… but for me it is (the mystical and admittedly romantic notion) the universe is nudging me to explore this theme… or at least to utilize it in some creative way.

It also struck me that the exploration is not with creating something new but retooling something that already does exist. I suspect it is this. It is a nice enough story… though I have been flumexed as to what exactly to do with it. I think I know now. Let’s just say (it clarified for me and) I realized that it’s two-thirds cooked in it’s present state. A little more development with an extra ingredient may just produce the savory dish it is supposed to be.

See, it’s all about fixing things and making it better than it was. Kinda like life, huh?


I wanted to know why… didn’t you?