the morning after

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Looks like the Big NO has a new mayor. Looks like the nation has a new President.

My thoughts? (Not that they matter. lol.) No matter one’s level of cynicism or disdain… I think we can all agree that this is historic. No doubt that word will be used over and over again for the weeks to come… and as sick as we become of it there is no denying it as fact.

It was also an election that included many “firsts” as well. For me personally… this is the first American President that is of my generation and younger than me to boot. That in itself is a major shift… almost as equally redefining as the fact that a person of color has been elected. Also, for the first in a very long time the world seemed to hold it’s breath and be pulling almost collectively for an American presidential candidate. That really is THE seismic shift that occurred.


I was moved by both the concession and acceptance speeches. From Obama I thought it took guts to tell America that the road up ahead is not going to be easy. From McCain… ever the “good soldier” his grace at accepting the results and putting out the call to get behind the new commander in chief was ernest. Sure, it can be argued that this is par for the course at the end of every election… but for the first time in all the election cycles I have experienced here I actually felt both men truly meant the words they spoke. Whether those sentiments change is left to be seen.


I am cautiously optimistic. If you ask me if the glass is half empty or half full my answer would be that it’s wet. I think the president-elect is a pragmatic person… and that in itself is a good start. Just my opinion, but I think the individuals who have held the office for a long while have been more reactive than proactive. I also think the (arrogant) insular thinking which has prevailed in conventional (national) perception has been one of the major stumbling blocks in America in the last 20 years or so. I am hoping that will begin to change because it is that stubborn insularity that created partisanship, gridlock and polarization both here and abroad. If I were to use a sports metaphor… it’s not so much about rooting for a team but more about appreciating and moving the game forward.

I do not believe he is the second coming and I am certain he will make mistakes. But he is (like it or not) now the dude in charge of the most powerful nation in the world and brings with him an optimistic (though measured) idealism. If we were to look back at history, this (and any) nation has always risen to be better in times when it’s leader brought that quality to the office. The only factors that can diminish and erode that is the snarkiness of a bruised hubris and/or gloating. If we haven’t learned yet, divisiveness is really not going to get us anywhere.

I think we can all also agree that no matter who won last night that person would inherit a daunting task. Neither the solutions nor the fixes are going to appear or happen overnight but with careful thought, discipline, cooperation and forward action those may be overcome. If he runs the country like he ran his campaign it could be something to look forward to.


Now the circus is over. The decision has been made. Whatever your feelings… life goes on… and let’s hope for the better. Congratulations America… if for nothing else, you dared to dream again. From this point on America can really take it for granted and with pride that anyone can aspire to the highest office in the land.

EDIT: 6 PM – Thought these were worth posting.