while slugging a fine merlot out of a bottle…

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… last night, my rabid (but admittedly wine soaked) mind sauntered toward thoughts on collaboration. I like collaborating. It’s been a while since I have shared the experience with another or others. I miss it. Present circumstance does not allow for much of it… especially on creative projects.

I’ll admit that being an only child my natural bent veered more toward DIY than collaboration. These were a set of skills that I had to learn and I credit joining the Boy Scouts with first introducing me to them in a real and practical way. There are some required essentials in order to make it work. These include:

  • setting aside ego
  • really listening
  • being open to fantastical suggestions
  • a healthy give and take (as opposed to compromise)
  • diving in and co-creating with abandon

This is an important life-skill that is not limited to just a specific project. Really, all working relationships whether they be at work or at home are dependent on collaboration to make it a success. The trouble usually begins when ego rears it’s ugly head. Doesn’t it always though?

Yeah, pointless post… but that is the price one pays for drinking fine wine like it’s going out of style.

Speaking about collaboration… here is a fantastic idea.