I don’t expect…

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peaceful-morning… too many visits or hits over the next few days with the Holidays and all. My own output here may also be somewhat spotty. Just sayin.


I have decided not to make a Christmas video as I did last year. Just not feeling it. (But anything can happen… last years was shot and edited on Christmas Eve.) Even though I had my video cam handy last night I really was not moved to shoot. Not that there was a lack of material but I had decided to just hang back and enjoy the evening in the first person instead of a third eye.


Tonight I sit and wonder about the days to come. More and more it seems as if what was has become more distant. Yet what is seems transitory. There is a quiet restlessness. It doesn’t gnaw or irritate… but it is present… that low rumble of anticipation. It is no stranger as I have felt it before. Now it is just a waiting game to see what this one brings. No matter…it will arrive at it’s own time.


For now… tis the season… and I wish all of you who happen to stumble by a peaceful and sharing one. My wish for you and yours is kindness to each other… and may that blessing you bestow be returned tenfold.
