it’s the first sip out of the cup…

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divingemptypool… (OK, mug… as in beer mug… a big honking Carlsberg mug at that) of coffee I’ve had in over a week. The taste of roasted beans just attacked my taste buds with a sublime intensity. Sometimes self imposed abstinence reawakens the pleasure of the experience. Almost, (but not quite) to the point of  experiencing it for the first time.

Remember the turn you made from virgin to experienced? Not necessarily exclusively in the sexual realm… though that (of course) counts as well. But any new experience that infused you with a surge of delight which turned out to be quite unexpected is what I’m driving at here. Remember the mixture of anticipation, fear and excitement moments before it happened? The project that I have embarked on (it’s titled “ZEROS” BTW)  feels a bit like that. OK… it feels a lot like that, dammit!

(Second sip… mmm… roasty toasty.) It’s a video project. (Lecram, you’ve done videos before!) One that requires pre-production. (OK… THAT you haven’t done before.) Sure, over the last couple of years I have dabbled in video but most of those were larks in an effort to acclimatize myself to the medium. Also, along that path the equipment I have had to acquire to facilitate this experiment has paid for itself. Yes, over the years I have learned to make even my whims pay for themselves. (Yes… if you must know… there is a paying client involved in this one.)

Even though this will be a brand new undertaking I am not going into it completely blind. There are some skills and techniques (especially organizationally) I will be pulling in from my years in theatre to help me realize this project. But this is still going to be a whole new barrel of monkeys… which both excites and scares the crap out of me. Though that is a good thing – it will keep me honest and working hard to strive for excellence despite my relative (nubile) inexperience in this particular medium.

(Third slurp… hmm… I need a warmer.) This is one of the reasons I have put aside theatre for a while. The excitement and enthusiasm was starting to wane in that particular arena. So in order to preserve my love for it I felt it was necessary and essential to set it aside… at least for a while. Though to be honest, I am not entirely sure if I will return to it (theatre, that is). I will never say “never” but I do not see it happening on the horizon at the moment.

For a while after I set it aside I also couldn’t help but wonder if titling my last play “Tale End” was a little prophetic… an inner conscious effort to separate and start anew. Yet the “counter-romantic self serving bullshit” gene present in my every fiber kicks in and screams out “BALDERDASH” to the that notion. So, now that becomes moot for the the present… but I thought I’d share it anyway. The road ahead is where my sights are trained on and that is the only thing valid at the moment.

(Ahh… half a mug… the warmer poured.) To that end I have employed some known talents to help me traverse any obstacles ahead. Even though this will also be a brand new adventure to many of them they are all coming in with a spirit of adventure. So, I start off with half the battle won. As a collective united in a common goal I am confident that we will all aspire and work toward excellence with the final product. For my part I will also strive to create a path that will be both a rewarding and fun experience… perhaps even creating a unique process and method as we forge ahead.

(Final slurp of the warmer… in one fell gulp.)
So, I’m emerging from  my relative hibernation (at least creatively) and diving into the deep end of a brand new pool. (Yo, where’s the water?)  I think I can at least float and I know there will also be new challenges to negotiate. Whatever the case, there is no denying this will be nothing less than a grand adventure.