the “busy gremlin” made an…

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… appearance this morning. So, my daily post is a little later than usual. ( Just thought you 3 or 4 regulars should know that I’m not lying bleeding in a ditch somewhere. )

The morning started with Mum being in “busy mode”. She kept walking out to sweep the same patch every 10 minutes or so. Finally, I decided that doing the usual chores earlier than usual may help. It did… and gave her the feeling that activity in the house was taking place which in turn settled her down a bit.

After that I was back doing web work for a couple of clients. I only just got done. There is more to do over the next couple of days.


Yeah, I’m thinking of continuing the “Cooking in a Pith” series sometime this week. If you missed Episode One last week… CLICK HERE to check it out. If you have a suggestion as to what I should cook for the next one… put it in the comment section below. I will take it under advisement.

Actually, I’m thinking of extending the series to “… in a Pith”. I could include all sorts of exciting activities… eating, drinking, riding, etc. The possibilities are limitless.


… make an appearance today either. If this keeps up the season is not going to be any fun. This also puts a kink into the laundry schedule since I like sun drying my clothes.

That’s it for now. Hope you’ve had a good “hump” day.


Just to spice up this boring post… watch this.