so, I’m working on this video…

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… but I really can’t talk about it. No, really… I can’t. It’s for a client… so, I hope you understand why I can’t talk about it. I can’t even say it’s called ZEROS… or for that matter that it’s not 1 video but 7 webisodes. No, I can’t even do that… so, don’t bother asking. All I can say is… I’ve been shooting all weekend… and even shot some today.

Please… no arm twisting… it won’t work. Though depending on which one you twist… it may come off. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you? You would look really bad standing there with one of my arms. People would come up to you with a stash of really good nachos and say,

“Hey, isn’t that Lecram’s arm you have there? That looks like… Jimmy. Why are you holding Jimmy… and why is Jimmy not attached to Lecram? Were you trying to twist his arm so he would tell you about the 7 webisode video project titled ZEROS that he can’t talk about? You should have grabbed Audrey… Audrey doesn’t come off as easily as Jimmy does especially in an arm twisting situation. Oh, you’re screwed now. The authorities don’t look kindly on people standing around with someone else’s arm… especially a detached one. Really… it’s worse than talking while driving without a hand’s free phone. You want some of these nachos?”

OK… fine… to save you from getting into that kind of trouble here are some pictures. Stop hounding me… go hound the Extreme Makeover folks who are also shooting in town. (Thanks to The Fresnan for keeping up with shoots of consequence.)

ALERT: WordPress 2.7 has just developed an issue… hold off on upgrading. It’s been moving slow… I beg your patience commenters. If you are a Jungle Webs client and just upgraded via the hosting dashboard… you may be able to reverse to the previous version.! Hopefully,  this will be resolved soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.