Da Count – the first day of Spring and…

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dacount… the beds are now ready for planting. OK… they are about a day away. As you can see in the picture there is a little more work before I can put anything in the ground. I’m shooting for tomorrow.

It took 4 days to get this patch ready simply because it was a bit of a jungle from about 3 years of neglect. Yes, I did plant last year though I did it later than usual… middle of April. The Spring in the Big NO is always generous with an early and extended planting season.

plot09This year I decided that changes and improvements were called for (and long overdue). The entire patch was dug up as the network of roots (from weeds) had practically overtaken the ground. Space was maximized and now I will have 3 planting beds instead of two. (I just realized the last 3 sentences also hold boundless metaphoric potential… lol.)

All of this would not have been possible without the help of Jesus. HERE he is helping extend an extra 2 feet to the front of my office… yet another improvement that I’ve wanted for a while. All this has significantly opened up the entire area aesthetically as well.

BTW… I am also thinking about installing a “greywater” system since the laundry room is actually just to the right of this picture… so, every time I get the clothes washed the plants get watered. Both convenient and eco-friendly. Here is yet another (easy) thing home gardeners in Fresno should really consider to cut down on water usage. If any of you are reading… HERE is a good place to start.

So, today I’m counting improvements (I have and can make) to what I have and hopes to what they will yield.

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