how to spend the first 30…

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… of the daily 90 doing the dishes first thing in the morning? Forget to put water in the coffee machine. Yep, that’s what I did this morning. Placed the filter… scooped in the coffee… turned it on… then tripped off to give Mum breakfast. When I returned… no coffee. Looked in… ahh… no water. Well, while waiting the dishes got done, dried and put away. (Not that my coffee maker takes 30 minutes to brew a pot… but when you get on a roll…) Also spruced up a couple of drawers. So by the time I poured my mug… it felt well earned.


… I’m starting webisode 3 today. Webisode 2 may still need some tweaking but I’ll determine that when I look at it today. Once I am satisfied… I will upload it for you to see exclusively. Yeah, it will be password protected (but you will get it here) until the client officially releases it. Don’t you feel special now? I am actually quite pleased with Webisode 2. There is a certain quirky sprite to it. But the greater value was learning more tricks while doing it. One (at least I) have no greater feeling of accomplishment then when absorbing knowledge while completing a task.


If you are in the Big NO… there will be several this weekend around the Fresno High area. I’ll probably scope out the one on Princeton which is only a street north of me. Though rain is expected this Friday & Saturday. Hope the weather changes it’s mind… as is often the case.

Now back to editing… and then it’s gathering for Garbage Day tomorrow. As per usual… the borrowed image for this post is linked to it’s source site.