fueling up in the morning…

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sf509d… has never really been a part of my day for a very long time. A cup of java doesn’t count. I’m talking about the full on breakfast with starch and grease here. I think the last regular period in which I actively partook in this daily ritual was perhaps when I was still in high school. Ever since I have been more prone to the brunch.

Every once in a while I will… like today. Doing so today makes me wonder if I should once again jump back onto the toast and egg wagon. Not that I had any of that this morning… opting instead for rice and sambal. After cooking and eating it last night I craved it this morning.

Now this is something a few of my American friends have razzed me about… “Dude, rice for breakfast?!” That is until I point out that rice is a grain as most cereals are. Sometimes (but not too often) I also like to point out how healthy the “junk”/ street food (or as my Mum would call it… trash) I grew up with was actually nutritious. Then they usually shut up and move on to some other topic.

Another one I encounter on a regular basis is tofu (or Tow Foo if you are so inclined). “Dude, there is something wrong with that stuff!” In my travels some kind of food that people make fun of usually stems from either…

1. They have never tried it.

2. It is associated with a (perceived) weird group of people… i.e. hippies, touchy feelie new agers…

3. When they did try it… it just wasn’t prepared right.

Of the three I will give the third category the benefit of the doubt (and respect)… simply because at least they were willing to try something new. If you try it and don’t like it… that’s valid. Though it is this same group that may be willing to give it another go… and discover (to their delight) that when prepared differently (from their first experience) they may actually like it. Not always… but more often than not. And if they still don’t like it… I will give them kudos on their adventurous spirit.

So, why is it when people find some cultural difference that even inquiring about it is tainted with a mocking or incredulous tone? (Mind you, I have found this trait predominantly in those who claim an open mind.) How can one hope to expand one’s horizons by employing a technique that brings up an instant wall? Don’t knock it till you try it… has always been my attitude. Otherwise you will always be left holding an uninformed opinion.