Da Count – late supper with friends

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dacountLast night after ArtHop my two lovely companions and I were at a local watering hole listening to jazz while sipping on an adult beverage. Just before we got there I had mentioned that I had a batch of lamb curry sitting in the fridge.

After draining our glasses we headed to a local liquor store where they purchased a bottle of wine and I found a pack of tortillas. Once back home I heated the tortillas with a little ghee, the curry in the microwave, while the girls set the table outside. Then we all converged under the cooling Fresno skies with jackets on… ate, drank and shared conversation.

This is one of my most favorite things to do. It always makes me smile whenever (and with just a little effort) the ordinary morphs into the extraordinary. It doesn’t happen as often as it used to but it is always worth the count when it does.


To find out what Da Count is all about click the flashing sign above.

BTW… the picture is from the meal we shared last night.