when you wake at 3 AM…

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epiphany… (or at least, when I do) the inherent quiet of the time helps turn down the noise in the head. The noise that accumulates in the course of living life. Even if you are not an instigator or participant in the pettiness that may abound just being around it makes the noise stick in some form or another. So, in the wee hours when quiet descends it becomes clearer what is noise and what really needs our focus and attention. And here I am now trying to shake off the noise and striving for clarity of thought.

As I have been “getting those things done that I’ve been meaning to for a while” the one thing that seems apparent is the need to consolidate. Let’s just say there is definite sprawl to it. It has made me ponder over how all of this occurred over the last 10 years. In so doing I’ve been constantly amused at “how important it was” at the time.

It is true that I do not take on something lightly. The choice to take on something is never random and does involve oodles of thought. (Some have accused that even my “spontaneity” is measured.)  Though once that process is past I dive in driven by the fervent belief that it is the most important thing in the world. Though that has been my modus operandi ever since I can remember. It was that way even as a child.

I was talking to a friend about it a few days ago and he (kindly) said, “The creative mind is not the neatest thing in the world.” I contend that any mind is not the neatest thing in the world… which sort of explains the lives we lead.

How is that for a 3 AM epiphany?