we all lie, dont we?

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At least we fib or divert or “diplomatisize” what we mean. Most often we do so to take that “sting” out of our honesty. The most common example is…

GUY: Hey, how’s it going?

DUDE: Good. And you?

GUY: Great, Thanks.


Simple. To the point… and 3 lies were perpetuated in that short everyday exchange.

  1. Guy doesn’t really want to know how Dude is doing… he has problems of his own. But it’s the standard greeting when you meet someone you know… acknowledging their presence. Not greeting Dude would be just plain rude.
  2. Dude, whose life is in hock, figures it’s not any of Guy’s business to be informed of this. Admitting that fact would burden Guy with information he didn’t really need to know. It’s just plain rude considering the fact that Guy was nice enough to acknowledge his presence. And if he did it would be another blow to his esteem which is already at an all time low by admitting to being a total loser.
  3. Guy, when the question is volleyed back is actually having relationship issues with his hot new girlfriend that Dude saw him with the night before. Dude doesn’t need to know this especially because these issues lie in the bedroom. TMI, really. And if he did spill the beans it would place doubt over Guy’s “coolness” factor that was evident in Dude’s face the night before.

So yeah… they order drinks at the bar and talk football.

Perhaps step one to true honesty is to admit that we lie… just sayin.

*Image from THIS site.