I was out and about…

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… just for a bit last night. Two thirds of Suicide Lounge was playing at the Grill. It was fun… especially when surrounded by many of the usual suspects. I personally noted that for the first time in a while I felt comfortable and at ease in public. That’s good I guess… though I suspect my days as a man-about-town is for the most part history. Not that I will be “hermiting” as much either. It’s just a change of pace… nothing to alert the media about.

Yes, I’ve been a bit of a busy bee around here of late. I mostly spend my mornings with web work, afternoons cooking, and evenings relaxing… or continuing with web work. Though I’ve had the itch of late to plunge into something creative. Not sure what at the moment but don’t be surprised if and when I start scratching soon.

The “season” is certainly upon us. I generally avoid the usual shopping centers this time of year. On the occasion that I am in one I find the whole exercise quite entertaining. (I used to find it all irritating not too long ago.) The hustle and bustle of bug eyed shoppers on the hunt for that perfect gift always reminds me of a Max Fliescher cartoon playing at half speed – the surreal slowed down. Speaking of which… here is Fleicher cartoon to cap this post with. Hope you are all having a good day.