after 4 years… I think I found it!

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Since I first performed “Lies My Father Told Me” at the Rogue there has been one thing that I was never satisfied with where the show was concerned… the song to close the show. In fact, during the run we would test out different songs to play under the ending. Most were OK but none really “brought it home” so to speak. Last week I think I may have finally found the one. Of course, to find out you will need to come to the show.

BTW… you may want to get your tickets early. The reason being that post-performance of our Saturday shows, Suicide Lounge will be offering a Pay What You Want after-party. I hear there will be free wine involved. Show and post party all in one place (at affordable prices, I might add)… can’t beat that. If you haven’t experienced Suicide Lounge yet… here is a sampling.

In other news…
We were teased with the threat of rain yesterday but it was not to be. Sure, it was overcast and all but the rains never came. I was actually hoping it would because I’ve been feeling the high pollen levels that have engulfed the valley of late. The effects on me are not as bad as years previous simply because I have learned to stay away form dairy products at this time of the year. But I still do feel it.

Well, back to the retooling of the show. Have a great “hump day”. Cheers!