I would do the laundry…

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… but the sun is playing peek-a-boo here in da Big NO today.  Actually the intermittent sunshine makes for a nice day but crappy to hang dry clothes to. Ahh well.

It has been a few busy days of late. This last weekend I finally loaded back several programs that fit my needs which took a while to do. No matter. Taking my time has paid off as the machine is running in tip-top shape again. It’s almost as if I have a brand new computer again. There are still minor tweaks but the major work has been accomplished. So, yay me.

Johnnie came by last night. He will be helping me with my show and we chatted about some tunes that I want to feature. Overall it was a pretty laid back evening. Even though it was work related it was just at the right pace that I most enjoy accomplishing a task. I still have quite a bit to do… rewrites, rehearsing, etc… but I have to admit that it is fun getting my feet wet again.

In a similar vein I actually have lined up (in my somewhat nebulous fashion) several creative projects for the rest of the year. Unlike this one they are all new creations. Though I am excited about all of them I also have to pace myself and space them out with some intelligence since any kind of creative project becomes an all consuming activity for me. Still, they will be exciting projects.

Anyway… on with the day and I hope you are all having a good one. Cheers!