Da Count – the daily lesson

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dacountI once heard life described as “one long exercise routine – a perpetual pendulum between stress and relaxation.” I’ve always likened it to college – where there is always something new to learn everyday… whether we choose to or not.

There is always a bit of a thrill when I come across something I never knew the day before. It can be as seemingly mundane as an easier way to peel a potato and I’ll be flushed with a sense of accomplishment. (Which by the way DID occur to me yesterday.) Little “eureka” moments. In the big scheme of things it may not change the world but I don’t think they are any less significant. Sometimes we learn things that we may not have wanted to know… but down the line that knowledge helps us from falling into a hole in the ground.

With the world we live in we are constantly bombarded with information. Some of which we choose to retain and most of which we discard. Probably for good reason though. In this age of information the irony has become that most of what is perceived as “true” is on the opposite side of the chasm from where the facts lie. Discernment is key… though is sadly uncommon.

But the lessons that count the most are the ones that teach us to cope (and even thrive) with our daily lives and each other in a better way… and that’s my count this week (especially the potato maneuver.). May we never stop learning. The only thing that will prevent is our own hubris.


Happy Birthday Airplane Jayne! Why this video? You’ll find out in the end.