the time of day makes a difference

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Two Fridays ago I counted “fall back time” and I am relieved it is now here. Yesterday for instance I went about my business all the while feeling that I was ahead of the game… and I was. Not that my routine was any different nor was I super efficient… just the fact that looking at the time and seeing that it was an hour earlier perked up my disposition. Perception is a strange and wondrous thing.

IN AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REALM… I took a day off from video editing yesterday as well. Over the weekend (including most of Friday) I averaged about 9 hours a day on the editing bay. Most week days I average about 6 hours a day. I thought a break would help me traverse a particularly challenging section that I’ll be tackling starting today. I think it will.

The content of this project is something totally new to me so I am taking my time. It is a workout video. No quick jump cuts and funky edits. Each section (there are 3 in all) will have to flow seamlessly from beginning to end. Though it is no less creative than what I usually do. The rules of structure still apply. I’m happy with my work so far and most of this week will be dedicated to tweaking.

Anyway, that’s where I am today. Hope your week is going well. Cheers!