Da Count – summer morning walks

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dacountI usually start at around 5:30 or 6 AM. Usually boosted by a cup of coffee I will put on my pith helmet and head on out. The first choice of the day is to pick a direction then setting off to see what new sights will come my way. There are times I will arm myself with my camera just in case I get the urge to shoot as I go because there is invariably always something to marvel at.

Mine is a great neighborhood to walk in… the Fresno High area in Fresno, California. It is an area formally known as Normal Heights. The homes here span construction eras from at least 1918 to the present – mostly though made up of early to mid twentieth century dwellings and the owners are a house proud bunch. This makes the walk a pretty one to take. There are a variety of styles both in architecture and landscaping to take in as I saunter through.

Sometimes one takes pause to notice details that happen to grab the eye. Be it the flowers in bloom (like this morning) or some detail in a house that even though one has passed many times never got the attention till that very day. Perhaps it was how the light from the rays of the morning sun hit it just right. Whatever the reason, it makes me smile that something new presents itself to be appreciated every day. It’s akin to a good work of art that reveals something new every time you look at it.

This is my count today… my walk… daily reminding me that life and even the seemingly mundane can be art. Here are a few pics I took on today’s adventure.