Da Count – back in 3 saddles again

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dacountThe last few days has been taken up with getting these beauties running again. My friend, Steve, has lent the much needed extra hands (at least the two that he has) to make this happen. A big thanks to him or I would still be at it today.

Replacement parts came up to $55 and there was tons of sweat involved but they are up and running again. There is still one more to go… yes, the legendary “pigeon” sometimes referred to as the “love dove” still needs parts and repair… but until I get the needed parts there are a choice of 3 to wheel around in. (But 3, lecram?!) I sort of like the idea of “guest bikes” if the need should arise.

Yesterday, I took the “drake” out for a spin and was pleasantly reminded how much I miss biking. Tis true I am a leisure rider so the need for umpteen gears on a bike I ride is not a requirement. Though brakes that work and tires that are not flat definitely are… and those elements on these 3 work just fine.

So, my count this week is having the means to get here and there… on my own steam