stepping it up

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First… unless some major developments occur I think I’m done blogging (and/or boring you with) my reactions to the Bersih 2.0 rally that took place on Saturday. If you are still interested type in “bersih” in google or youtube for more… go HERE to read first hand accounts from those who were there.

Last night Steve and I took the new cameras out to do some test shooting at the Starline Grill where Suicide Lounge was performing. The point of this exercise was to get used to handling the equipment and practice framing, etc. I thought it all went swimmingly well. A low pressure low impact situation that allowed us to try different things. I may cut the footage later this afternoon… so look out for videos to be posted over the next few days.

The fact that I was actually out and about was a little unusual in itself. I really have not done much of that over the last few years preferring instead to hang around the homestead. But I guess this project has it’s needs and I need to facilitate them to get it done.

I’ve also been stepping up my morning walks… adding more distance each day. I find that doing so gets the old circulation going which really helps activate the forward motion of the day. Sure, some mornings I do fight myself about actually getting up and out… but when I eventually do it really feels good.

That’s pretty much it today. Hope you are having a good one. Cheers!