Da Count – 2011

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Where years go… this wasn’t a bad one. Sure, there were ups and downs but that is part and parcel of life. The fact that one gets through the challenging times make the good ones even sweeter… and count worthy.

dacountI’ll admit there were some loose ends that I was hoping to tie up by years end, some of which are still flailing in the breeze… but the others that I did manage to tie up just make the list shorter and more attainable. I’m counting that too.

On a personal front it was a year of renewal. Compared to the year before which on reflection was a bit of a “flail fest”, this one seemed more grounded. Decisions seemed more focused… that’s a good thing, yeah? I seemed more capable of honing on what needed to be done… and for the most part accomplished what I had set out to do.

The gifts I received were those of kindness and support. Even though I have been socially absent for the most part… when I put out a call, the ones who matter turned up and contributed with grace. That is count worthy too.

It was a year of beginnings and endings. A year to re-create and create.  Each and every experience and encounter throughout the year making me feel more alive than I’ve felt in a long while…. especially the wonderful gift I received on the ninth month of the year.

True, I have not blogged as much as I have in years past… but I have still tried to maintain sort of a running commentary of my coming and goings. Hopefully, my output put here will improve in that arena… if there’s life there’s hope, yeah?

It was a year filled… with the wild and wacky, moments of challenges and sweetness, reflection and action,… and ultimately love. And the fact that I’m still alive to experience it all is the greatest count of all.


BTW… the pic was snapped as soon as I completed this post.