i woke up late this morning…

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… OK, at least later than normal. Though normal these days runs any time between 4 and 5 AM… so, waking at 6:30 is late for this boy.

When friends hear this is my routine they usually shake their heads with a sad smile and incredulously ask, “Why?” I usually explain in a very matter of fact way that I find it more efficient (these days) to deal with work in the quiet of the wee hours. Right now that works for me.

Speaking of work… for the past few days I’ve been engaged in developing an idea for a short movie. Until about half an hour ago all I had was a sketchy concept. Truth be told it stayed at “sketchy concept” phase for the past 5 days… and we are talking barest minimum. Then about half an hour ago I merged “sketchy concept” with “ending idea” from a very separate story that I want to create for a longer feature and I think I may have just started the engine for a story to evolve.

Here’s the kicker… I want to shoot this short this weekend. I guess I better get cracking.