sometimes I sleep in

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It’s been known to happen.

The sequence of events usually occurs this way:

  • open eyes
  • look around
  • “hmm… it’s still dark” the groggy mind registers
  • “5 more minutes…”
  • eyes close
  • turn over for more snuggly comfort
  • zonk
  • an hour and a half later – eyes open

Then the self ass kicking begins. “Damn, I could have used that time for (insert worthy activity here)!)

It happened to me this morning. I woke at 6:30! (I’m usually up at 4.) I started to ass kick myself… but stopped. By general standards I was up early. Plus, I still have a lot of the waking day still ahead to crank out an accomplishment or two, right?

But as I get on with my day a pall hangs over me because my timetable has shifted by 2 hours. Sure, there may be many an accomplishment… some even significant. Yet, there is that nagging feeling the reward won’t be… as satisfactory because of the 2 hour shift. Somewhere along the way I’ve replaced self ass kicking with petulance.

Or maybe… just maybe… succumbing to the conventional (as in this morning’s wake time) makes me cringe.

The good thing though is I slept outside last night… on the very sofa you see in the pic above. It was the first time in over a week. The short spell of rain yesterday cleaned out some of the air and it was wondrous to wake to a soft fresh breeze.

Perhaps holding to that thought for the rest of the day will help me feel less cringy.