backup has begun

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nerd_alertMy new hard-drive arrived a couple of days ago. It is sitting on the floor waiting for me to crack open the packaging and to install it replacing my old tired one.

But first, backups have to be handled with care. A couple of years back, in an impatient mood coupled with a willy-nilly attitude made me lose a year’s worth of pictures. I am making sure that is not happening again.

I am actually going one step further and organizing my external hard-drive first. There are actually folders of several previous back-ups on it with double or even triple copies of the same files. Need to weed those out first. Then, it’s the task of creating folders and move the files to their designated places.

Yesterday I completed work on the video & pictures folders. That was actually quite entertaining. Many of these go back to 2005. Looking at the pictures helped make the process a lot more enjoyable.

Now it’s on to the rest of it which I hopefully will completed today. Then, backup what is on the current computer and I’ll be on my way to a better computing experience.

Ah, the life of a nerd.