the strange phenomenon of getting things done

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todoWe all think we do… all the time… but we are don’t. If we are to be honest, this phenomenon occurs on rare occasions. When it does we set aside our “this is inconvenient” attitudes and are both thrilled and surprised by our focus and the plain fact that it didn’t take all that long to do.

I’ll freely cop to the fact that I count myself among the many whose modus operandi is as stated above.

The last couple of weeks has seen me getting those pesky “just fix-it, dammit” projects done… at least some of them. And you know what? It feels good… damn good, actually.

Perhaps, I am more prone than others to this “neglect-then-take-it-on-with-gusto” methodology. My(more creative)  work puts me in a pretty obsessive head-space when nothing else seems to exist. It’s not an excuse… it just is. To my (own) credit, I will eventually get it (the impending fix-its) done. And when I do I dive in heart and soul.

So, what did I get done this weekend? Mostly yardwork including weeding, repotting, etc. Yeah, woo hoo, right? I’ll have you know the neighbors are visibly happy about this because their own property values went up several notches. Hey, when I can… I do what I can for the economy.

This is not exclusive to the chores of the seemingly mundane but also extends to creative projects. I usually have several ideas floating in the swill of my noggin. However, until it is “cooked” I will not dive into a project. I find it’s best that way. This eliminates guesswork and I go straight into the adventure of it without passing “go” and collecting $200.

I actually believe that a project is created at the absolute right time… in my life. I can’t honestly say this about the mundane chores of life… but it is true about creative projects.

So, what’s my explanation for putting off the dreaded “fix-it, dammits”? I don’t have one. But they do get done… and usually done right. That feels good and I’m using this window of opportunity (away from creative projects) to cross out as many on the list. So, yay for me.

Hope this Monday finds you well and forging forward.