Da Count – reboots

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A second chance,  a do-over…  just doesn’t cut it in this case. Not when it is about forward motion. So, reboot it will be for the purposes of this posting.

This is what I am presently going through. It is not just the opportunity to “get to even” but to also move on plans that I’ve been concocting for the last few years. Especially on the creative and professional front.

This is an opportunity granted to me by Mum via a modest inheritance of sorts.

Admittedly this shift takes a little getting used to. I live modestly and have for most of my life. Although that is not going to change anytime soon. This humble windfall allows for enough of a budget to spruce up the homestead a bit and to move both my businesses to a higher level. It affords both breathing room and the means to grow a more comfortable income.

Oh, I’ll still be Mr. Frugal. That’s not going to change. But I’m counting this for both the relief and the possibilities it presents. Thanks Mum.
