Da Count – work

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work-in-progress1It’s the reason I haven’t blogged the last couple of days. That’s my story  and I’m sticking to it.

Seriously though… I’m not one of those “I hate Mondays” folk. Perhaps because in my line of work there are no set days… so, hating Mondays would be sort of silly.  Plus, I tend to look at difficulty as a challenge… and overcoming it as a small achievement.

If it is something I’ve learned on this short time in this mortal coil it is that complaining never solved anything. Besides, the only person I could complain to is myself… and I have a disdain for whiners.

Yes, you can concur from this that I do like my work. I like it a lot. Most of it is self-generated and forces me to be creative. (I have already explained that most creativity is problem solving, right?) Yep, solving stuff is good for the soul.

So, I’m counting work this week… especially the paying gigs. For without those it would be difficult to eat… which is another thing I really enjoy.
