the last post on this blog…

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… for 2013. It has been quite the year. Though from a blogging standpoint… spotty at best.

I treated the first of this year as a continuum instead of a new beginning (like so many tend to do) and it has actually done me well. I don’t believe in resolutions anyway so the idea of building upon what came before seemed to make sense… attitude-wise. The building blocks from the the last 4 years allowed me to slowly but surely step up on many levels.

The one area that gives me the most satisfaction is in the realm of work… video production. I am much more proficient in those skills to where I’m starting to market them much more assertively. Though I do feel I should be doing more… but that is a feeling that I’ve always had. I’ve lived with that feeling ever since I was a wee lad.

Building on what came before also includes the need to adjust and adapt. Often this includes cutting out what wasn’t working. I’ve done some of that this year as well. Anything that impedes the flow needs to go, I say.

In the middle of the year I couldn’t help but feel a profound shift occurring. Not just for me but also for many in my social circle. And this has been a continuing trend. Mostly these shifts have been good forward motions in life… be it in work, quality of life, creativity, etc. And since I am once again treating this change of year as a continuum I am certainly hoping that shift builds upon itself.

Of course, the only one who can determine that is oneself.

Hoping this was a good and productive one for you as well. I’ll see you again sometime soon. Cheers!