Funerals Galore

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Two biggies in one week. Both lasting just as long and just as ostentatious. So, if you are into big lavish pomp of the dead… this was the week for it.

I’ll admit I’ve been following the story of Richard III since his body was found in a council car-park for the last three years. The story is fascinating both from the historical and scientific fronts. Since I had followed it all that way I figured watching the funeral… or should I say the re-internment was imminent.

Likewise, the Lee Kuan Yew story piqued my historical and political interest. Coming from that part of the world, the history of Singapore and Malaysia have intertwining threads. So, naturally I watched that one with interest… inevitably tied to my past.

Both were leaders whose actions in life were both admired and reviled. Although from a PR standpoint Lee leads in the less contentious column and lived three times longer than the last of the Plantagenet Kings. (Besides the fact that Lee didn’t have the shadow of possibly murdering his nephews to usurp the throne hanging over his head.) Yet it would be safe to say both were flawed humans who made a difference.

The funerals of both aspired toward dignity. Though one was decidedly more somber than the other. To be honest, in both cases I found them to be extraordinary… and a little silly.Not something one could fault the deceased for though.

I’m sure the merits of each man may be discussed for years to come. Many might poo-pooh the fact that I actually watched both. For me the fact they lived… and lived with passion for what they believed is my take away from this experience.

Besides, it was great (historical) theatre.