on the 11th day of July…

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meh1… I am desperately trying to slash through the backlog of work that has accumulated. Not an easy task considering I am 3 weeks behind. I just completed one in that pile but the usual elation of accomplishment eludes me. There is still more to go… even though the pile is a little shorter.

And why was there a backlog in the first place? Lets just say the reason was of a medical nature. But that is now water under the bridge and I’m resolute about making that dreaded pile diminish by the end of the coming week.

So, I’m taking a break and blogging. (Heck, there needs to be at least one July post, right?)

And what of my mood at this time? Kinda meh actually. Not the best frame of mind to work… but work I must. There are clients to satisfy and food to put in my mouth. The latter can only be facilitated by the former… and I like eating.

Meh moods are not the most productive. Meh moods make work a slog. Meh feels empty.

I’ve created through anger and created through glee. Those spur me on. They supply me with a burst of energy… at least psychically to play. And the best working conditions is play… at least with what I do.

Of course, I am fully aware that meh periods will seep into my life on occasion. Not every day can be an explosion of creative “being-ness”.  Meh does serve a purpose though… at least as a respite from being “on” all the time. It provides balance… of at least appreciation of the more dynamic periods. Though it is inconvenient at times… the present being an example… when things just gotta get done.

O.K… enough of me rambling on… and just get on with it.