the ideas drawer

OK… it’s not an actual drawer… more like scribbles on pieces of paper of various sizes in folders, plastic bags, etc. Over the years I have amassed notes of ideas for plays, characters, concepts, lines and plots that may or may not have made it into any of my produced works so far. I ran across a folder last night. (Yeah, there are several dispersed around the homestead.) Here’s a sampling… THROUGH-LINE: A man wakes …

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the tummy is a little…

… queasy this morning. I’m trying to decide if it was the scotch or the chicken quesedillas consumed last evening… or a combination of the two. Plus there is the cheese factor to consider since I am lactose intolerant. Yeah, thats a bitch since I love cheese. Oh well. Queasy is better than being doubled over in pain. The evening was a pleasant one. Great company and fun conversation. It has been a while since …

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