Da Count – the oomph of doing

A (well paying) gig falls through. One that was becoming a “regular” thing. The choice is is to despair or shrug it off. Perhaps something else will come along. You sit expectantly waiting for something to happen. You continue waiting. Restlessness rises. You wait some more. The more you wait the lower your esteem descends. Now you’ve gone from restless to impatient. You look around for something or someone to blame. You lower your expectations. …

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we are better than this

Although recent events might be a strong argument against the title statement of this posting. Yesterday’s events alone – a plane loaded with 298 civilians killed via a botched battle point scoring – the murderous back and forth in the Gaza region –  the ongoing border crisis with over 50 thousand children facing ugliness… can easily turn one toward a stagnant cynicism. It is easy… too easy to slide down that slope. What do we …

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chocolate has been taking it hard

She has taken to whining… missing Janya. Totally understandable. Poor Chocolate. Even though she is now “queen of the yard” and has Mr. Dog for company… obviously things are different now. Some of it (the mournful whining) takes place in day time… but mostly at night. I’ve taken to sleeping outside just to pacify her. It seems to work and at this time of the year is a more than pleasant thing to do anyway. …

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good night, Janya

She had been winding down for the last few days. Yesterday it was evident that her time was near. Off and on as the day wore on I sat with her gently stroking under her left ear. Each time I came out to the yard to be with her she had moved farther away from where she usually slept. Finally situating herself furthest corner of the yard. This was her chosen place. As I sat …

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adventures off the grid

Yes, I went off the grid for about 5 days. The only times I dented the rule to be off was briefly at the beginning and at the end. Both times to make/confirm reservations for Amtrak and hotel accommodation. For about half a day I was antsy to get on… but that soon passed as I started to take in the real world. Yes, it was refreshing not being tethered to the cyber world.  The …

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remember blogging?

Especially before the explosion of social media? Sure, there was friendster and myspace but let’s face it, facebook and twitter really changed the game. There once was a time when blogging ruled. Communities of bloggers wrote and visited each other’s blogs. Some actively participated by commenting while others lurked. And that was OK too. Bloggers produced posts. Some everyday… or even more than once a day while others chose to share more sparingly. Very often …

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more steep learning curves

Yeah, I’ve been at it again. Learning a new set of protocols, workflows, etc. All of the current climb is related to video production. So far it has been fun. (He says with bleary eyes.) A large part of that has to do with the balance between the “have to” and the “want to” quotients. Both are factors in the present circumstance… but the latter should always edge out the former in any task one …

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D. I. Ying along

First it was this last week… now this. Yeah, I’ve always been a bit of a D.I.Yer. Even as a kid I had a pretty healthy “why buy it if you can make it cheaper” attitude. BTW… the image above is from here. Anyway, the current project works… at least on flies. I used a couple of rotting shrimp as bait in that one. Poor buggers couldn’t help themselves but dive in to that rotting …

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