if the olympics had an event for…

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… running noses… mine would be in serious contention for a medal. It started this afternoon with the dreaded “leaky eye” syndrome… just my right eye. For a while there I was convinced my brain was melting and pouring out of my eye socket.

It only got worse when the right nostril succumbed and decided to join thisĀ  party by opening up the floodgates. Drugs? HAH! Not helping in the least. Heck, I’m not even catching a buzz from them. I’m certain that the batch I got is filled with placebos. I have to stop typing periodically to dab my leaky eye and mop my nose with a rag. I should just bolt a pipe to my face and irrigate deserts. Sorry for the visual but that’s how I am at the moment.

Of course all this conspires against me on the day when I need the extra focus for some intense web work. I’ve muddled through despite it and made some headway… though not as much as I had hoped. Still, it’s better than nothing I suppose.

Well… just because I’m miserable doesn’t mean you should be. (I’m such a giving person, aren’t I?) Here is something you might enjoy.

The Real Tuesday Weld – The Day Before You Came