I’ve been feeling a little out of it…

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… since Friday. Me thinks I may have caught a Summer cold… or a bad case of allergies. Though I think the former is more likely the case. No matter I will get through this as well. I just popped some medication… so it is a pretty good chance that I will zonk out early.

Did some work on my blog. Specifically upgrading this blog up to WordPress 2.6. Admittedly I really wasn’t looking forward to doing it and had procrastinated the task until I found a plug-in that automated the task for me. The old manual way was not something anyone eagerly did because it was somewhat involved.

I do like this new update as it has a few bells and whistles that are quite fun. It is also easier to include media in posts… especially video. Sure the dashboard has changed some and will require a little getting used to… but… heck, what doesn’t?

The only thing is I lost all of my categories… somehow posts are tagged but there are no names to them. The only ones I have gone through and retagged are those for Da Count. The rest I will leave as uncategorized posts. This however will not be the case for posts from this point on. For instance, one of the categories for this post is “just life”.

Perhaps there will be more to this post later.

MONDAY – 7:30 AM

My friend Don ( he so wanted me to mention his name on my blog… so, there… happy now, Don?) came over on Friday. The goal was to transfer a short movie he has been making for the last 26 years into digital format. Yeah, I think it was shot on super 8. Anyway… I just may finally get it out of the camera and on to the computer later today. With his permission… we may premiere “Blackstone- the movie” on the net sometime soon.

The other reason Don (see.. it’s now 3 times I’ve mentioned your name in one posting) came by to inform me (and consequently the others involved) that Fourplay (or Foreplay, if you desire) is celebrating a 25th year anniversary. It was 25 years ago this month that we premiered a half hour radio comedy program on the college radio station that ran a whopping 13 episodes. A few of us are getting together this Wednesday for dinner to argue discuss what possessed us 25 years ago. Segments of that program may be featured on this blog from time to time. Yeah, for about 3 years there I polluted the airwaves from 6 – 9 AM every Saturday morning with a Jazz show. The following was the theme song I used to open up the program.

Hope your Monday is a good one.