Da Count – my blog

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dacount The cool of the morning I will usually sit with a cup of coffee and begin a post here. What it does for me is warm up my writing muscles for the day. The physical mechanics of writing is an essential part of the day for me. That is the primary reason I started a blog.

In the time it has existed (first herethen here before the present incarnation) it has given me the opportunity to share various aspects of my life and work. I look at it as a creative outlet to spew the buildup in my rabid mind.

I have tried creative experiments with this form. Apart from the ditties that I post from time to time HNT (especially in the early days of the epic sort) has been another outlet to present my (often wacky) attempts. Through Picture Daze I was afforded the opportunity to share snippets of my past which even spawned a solo stage show. Then there was the “5-3-1 untitled” challenge (a continuing story in 11 parts) which I am still unsure what form to adapt into.

It is true that there is a lot that I choose not to blog about. For instance, I very rarely rant (as others choose to do on their blogs… which is fine) because I just prefer it that way. Things of a more personal nature (i.e. sex blogging, matters of the heart, etc) are also subjects that I choose not to write about simply because… well, it’s private. Sure, I may titillate every once in a while… but that is about as far as it goes. Though what I write about I try to write about honestly… even the ditties. LOL.

Besides, without this blog I would not have met the likes of (the few of) you who come by to read. This ultimately has been one of the more rewarding aspects of blogging… connecting. I once described blogging as a daily meeting and sharing at the fountain of the town square… and I think that still holds true.

So, this week I’m counting my blog and the rich opportunities it has and continues to afford me.

To find out what Da Count is all about… click the flashing sign above.